Friday, September 18, 2009

Percy-Kate turns 6

Since Ruby's illness prevented us from taking a family camping trip in honor of Percy-Kate's birthday, I e-mailed some friends this week and threw together a rather haphazard party. Percy-Kate's guest list initially topped the mid-30's. She loves her friends, both young and adult. I persuaded her that since the party was a last minute affair, she should be understanding that not everyone could attend. We had a week of isolation due to Ruby's illness... not ideal for our birthday girl. Our tradition has always been to make birthdays last an entire week. Much of her birthday week has been at home, no friends, no special outings. I figured on short notice a playdate at the park could serve as a celebration. We were blessed with sunshine, even though the forecast called for rain. We met our friends the Markerts (and Gigi), Boisverts, Andersons and Lavailleres. We played, ate cupcakes, and generally enjoyed being outdoors. Her heart is very full this evening, as is mine.

1 comment:

The Boisverts said...

Happy Birthday to a sweet girl! 6?! Wow!!!