Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Lovely Ebenezer

Number one on the top ten list of hardest things about parenting? Sickness. I can't control fevers or stomach viruses or pain. I can somewhat control (maybe influence) bad attitudes, misbehaving, disrespect,...but illness, I have nothing to offer.

Thursday morning, little Ruby, awoke with a low grade fever. Andy and I immediately recognized it as the work of the devil considering we were supposed to leave for a surprise camping trip Friday and I was facilitating a new Bible study that was scheduled to start Friday morning. We suspected the fever was just a result of the MMR vaccine Ruby had received (with much procrastination on my part) the previous week. She took a turn for the worse Thursday night when her fever spiked.

Somehow, by God's grace, the fever subsided Friday morning so she accompanied me to Bible Study. The fever resumed Friday afternoon and did not abate until this afternoon. Andy, Ruby and I have slept very little since Thursday.

Last night as I lay next to her, praying over her for relief, I was reminded of the gift, the miracle Ruby represents. Instead of a stone such as Samuel used to memorialize God's intervention, Ruby is a living testimony that "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." Our own Ebenezer, "stone of help", reminder of God's divine aid. He heard my grief and healed my womb. He grew Ruby strong and sure such that when she arrived 5 weeks early, she was fully formed, not lacking. In spite of the swallowing disorder that normally leaves children malnourished, Ruby has thrived physically. She is a double portion of joy and physical health. Lying next to her, I was reminded that her health was established the day she was concieved. I need not worry about illnesses I can't control. Relief.

We grieved our missed our camping trip with the Markerts. Instead of enjoying the great outdoors, we catnapped and watche
d forgotten episodes of "The Waltons". Andy and I gave Percy-Kate her birthday gift early. Mammaw, Pappaw, Aunt Jan, Nana, Andy and I pitched in together and equipped PK with a Nintendo DS. Who would have ever thought Andy and I would have conformed to the culture that way. Needless to say, she was shocked and elated. She would have never even asked for a DS because she intuitively knows mine and Andy's countercultural streak groups Nintendo with Disney and Barbies. The love of our children makes us break our own rules. Truth is, Percy-Kate is a well-balanced and a fairly self-disciplined little girl. Andy and I agree she will accept the boundaries we set respectfully. I must confess I enjoyed Super Mario as much as the girls this afternoon. The DS was a welcome distraction.

Our day has ended with dinner delivered to our door courtesy the Boisvert family. My family was saved from a lazy dinner of cereal and fish sticks. We are richly blessed to be a part of a community that cares for us and one another the way God designed.

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