Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ode to my washing machine..and the husband who bought it...and the sisters who did my laundry.

This post is long overdue. The holidays were busy and I never took the time to publicly acknowledge the newest addition to our family pictured above. The story began on Black Friday (ominous, indeed). I had planned to give myself an early Christmas gift by catching up on the laundry. Not a crazy gift if dirt and chaos make your eye twitch. I announced to Andy and the children that I could not be counted on for other household duties as I would be sorting, washing and folding to my heart's content until every last piece of fabric had been put away. I went into the basement, put laundry in the washing machine, and nothing happened. The warrior had given up the ghost with little fanfare and no warning.

Instead of spending the day laundering, Andy spent it trying to resuscitate the 20 year old monster. (I'm being generous with the youthful age out of respect for the dead.) I spent the evening shopping on-line for a new machine.

As God would have it, (impeccable timing, as always) Andy was notified a couple of days before our washer's demise of a windfall. We never get windfalls. However, this windfall was exactly the cost of a new washing machine and dryer combo. Andy could use a new bike for commuting to work, or at least some upgrades to his existing bike to make it safer in the snow and ice. We could have skimped on the washer so he could have gotten some things for himself. But instead, he let me choose a good quality, energy efficient washer and dryer that will bring joy and ease for many days ahead. Thank you, honeypie.

The only snag in the story was that the new pair couldn't be delivered until the week of Christmas. Yes, count them...FOUR WEEKS, 6 people, one in the bunch who poops his clothes regularly (sorry, Jack, but it's true), and ZERO means of laundering. The story only gets better. During that month, we were sick with all kinds of cooties for three weeks straight, so I couldn't get out to the laundromat. Andy made a few trips when he could manage it.

I am learning that the depth of my friendships is usually clearest when I am in need. I am surprised at times that people in my life care about my about my laundry. My friends welcomed me into their homes with my armfuls of laundry and kids to do my washing, came to our house picked up our laundry and washed it themselves and one even cooked dinner for me while I used her machine. Pam, Kristin, Julie, and Robin, I am forever indebted. Come wash in my basement anytime!

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