Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Rare Moment of Opportunity

Our days seem so full lately. A dear friend just e-mailed and commented that I hadn't updated the blog in a while. Where have the past couple of months gone? Well,... a busy Ruby, holidays, morning sickness, art class, small groups, Bible studies, part-time work, and ultra-early bedtimes for mommy. Is it my age, or did I just forget how much work children are when you are pregnant. So, here I sit, a few days before Flannery turns 8 reflecting on how quickly, like a breath, it all passes by. The girls are crafting and I'm taking a break from building a King Cake for tomorrow's homeschool group. A random moment for writing...until Ruby applies crayon to the wall.

Updates since December...Ruby is healthy! Ever since her swallowing disorder has been resolved, she has had no illnesses. This is a big deal. Those of you close to our daily lives know that for almost 9 months, Ruby suffered with respiratory issues and random high fevers. Since December, she has thrived. She is growing leaps and bounds..."outgrowing" is a more appropriate term if you've seen her in pants lately.

Baby Moore's gender has officially been confirmed as male. "Jack", we'll call him. His birth certificate will reflect his full given name...John Andrew Lamar Moore. John means "God is a generous Giver". Enough said. Andy and I decided to honor Pappaw by giving Jack his name "Lamar". We are not sure Pappaw or Mammaw truly believe we are serious about it yet. We'll be sure to provide a copy of the documentation when Jack arrives. "Lamar" is not a common name, but it sure is a precious name to us. Jack is healthy and thriving in utero.

Flannery is turning 8. Oh my. She seems more like 30 some days. She is really maturing. She shepherds Ruby in a very maternal way. I watch her interact with her sisters and the community at large and see someone I wish I could have been and certainly someone I'm glad I know. She befriends the lonely, informs the uninformed, shows respect to elders, laughs a lot and picks up after herself. What more could a mother desire at such a young age?

Percy-Kate has adopted a fascination with the human body. She collects books from the library and retains useless information. If you really want to know, she can explain how your intestines work and why your stomach makes growling sounds. She is finally learning to look people in the eye when talking to them. She is a careful and diligent student in school. She is even showing more affection and responsibility toward Ruby. She still prefers to be alone when Flannery will let her. I understand that inclination in her as it mirrors that of her father.

I don't have any pictures to post today. Just as I haven't taken the time to blog, I also haven't stopped to download pics from our camera. I'll save that task for a night when I'm up past 8:00 p.m.

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