Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As I sit here writing, Andy is reading Mr. Popper's Penguins to the girls in the kitchen while they color. The homeschool curriculum we use (Sonlight) suggests tons of read-alouds. I appreciate that Andy does his share in the evenings. I struggle just to get through all the history readings each day. The read-alouds form a connection in some intangible way. There is something very cozy and secure about sharing a book aloud. Flannery has read all of our books designated as read-alouds. She enjoys hearing them again, though.

Speaking of reading, we added a Kindle (Amazon's Electronic Book) to our library last Friday. I had wanted a Kindle since Amazon first began selling them. I could never justify the indulgence in light of our very limited disposable income. My desire for the Kindle teetered on the edge of idolatry for a while. As I have gotten older, I find there are few things I just "have to have" anymore. If I wait long enough, the urge for some material item usually passes. Such was the case for the Kindle...until,...I started building Flannery's reading list for school. Then I found that most of the classics I had slated for her to read were free downloads for Kindle. I shopped around and bought one refurbished for the price of a Nintendo. The Kindle arrived Friday and I have barely had it in my hands since. Flannery and Percy-Kate alternate turns. Flannery said the Kindle was now her most prized possession. She is reading several books at once...really good literature, which pleases me. What a blessing! There are times I really want to quit the two part time jobs I hold. But, those jobs (plus birthday money :) allows us indulgences and blessings such as this.

I haven't written in a couple of weeks. We have all been sick again. I suspect Flannery may have had a mild case of the flu. Ruby's nose has been running since September. It is a wonder she has any brain left in there. When I bring out the saline spray, nose plunger and tissue Ruby assumes the nose cleansing position. She lies down on her back on the floor. I've never seen a child enjoy having her sinuses excavated. I guess it provides some relief.

Yesterday was mine and Andy's birthday. It felt more like the Monday it was than the birthday. We had a nice enough day. The girls and I visited with the Lavailleres. My intent was to offer Alina some help (she's on bedrest) while the children played. I fear we created more chaos than assistance. I made a special dinner for Andy last night including his favorite Peach Cobbler. Saturday night while Andy was away at the Men's Retreat, Julie, the boys and Gigi had us over for dinner. Julie surprised me with a birthday cake. That moment felt very birthday-like. Sunday evening Andy, mom, the girls, Aunt Robin and I went to dinner to celebrate birthdays. So really, we spread our birthday over a few days. Andy is giving me quite an extravagant birthday gift this year. He is sending me to New York City for the day with Julie! I've never been to NYC so I am very thrilled. Julie's husband Al is giving her the trip for her birthday as well. Andy and Al conspired to give us a day off. What wonderful husbands! Andy and I decided we want to separate our birthdays. I want to keep the November 9th date, but he may move his to October or December. He said the bad thing about having our birthdays together is that he could never throw me a surprise party. (As if I would like one...) I just think I would like him to have the day of special honor to himself without having to share it with me. So, we'll let you all know what days we pick before next November.

1 comment:

The Boisverts said...

What a great post! I would also love a Kindle and I'm so glad you got to get one for your reading-loving family.
I'm truly bummed I missed your birthdays, so here is a heartfelt HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both you and Andy. What a wonderful birthday gift you and Julie were given...you'll remember your NYC trip for a lifetime I bet! (I've never been and can't wait to hear all about it!)

Hope you're reading something good via Kindle tonight. :-)