Thursday, November 12, 2009

Percy-Kate's Fruit: a discussion

Percy-Kate has seemed more mature the past couple of weeks. It is like finally her psyche caught up with the reality of Ruby and that she is no longer the baby in the family. We were driving today to meet with our homeschool friends and I shared my observation with her. I told her I could tell she was growing. She said she sure couldn't tell it. I told her I noticed that her kindness fruit and self-control fruit had grown noticeably. She said her patience fruit had grown, too. She said even though her patience fruit had gotten bigger, she still got impatient with Ruby sometimes. She said when she got impatient, she tried to hide it. She does a better job than me at hiding the impatience, I'm sure. It is funny to me that Ruby would evoke impatience in Percy-Kate. I've been waiting on Percy-Kate since I went into labor with her. Even the doctors had to go in after her (my only c-section)...probably because she was trying to find her shoes (daily occurrence). Ruby's first phrase was "I ready". She, unlike Percy-Kate, has been on "go" since day one. I wonder what Ruby does that leaves Percy-Kate feeling antsy. Percy-Kate is precious in that she reminds us all to slow down. She has a time zone of her own. She can get lost for hours in her own imaginary world and never worry that she has missed something. I am thankful for her meandering ways.

On this drive to Julie's house for homeschool group, I was struck my own contentment. I am truly blessed to be living the life I always wanted. Not a life of money, or a lot of stuff, or a big house. No, this life is a life of mutual love and affection between me, my babies, Andy, my family and my friends. I love having those three girls hanging onto my apron string. I love that they make sense to me, their love unconditional. This is my little slice of abundant life given to me by my Father.

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