Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Tree Day

Poor l'il Ru.

Ruby woke up last night with a fever and stomach bug. Andy nor I slept a whole lot as she was up a lot either vomiting or moaning from fever. The girls did school this morning while I nursed Ruby's fever and plied her with Gatorade. The girls got really antsy after finishing their school work, so I needed an activity for them besides the Blues Clues marathon Ruby was enjoying in her lifeless state. We brought out the Christmas Tree and assorted decorations and spread them around. I assembled the tree (don't tell the New Englanders, they seem pretty serious about using real least ours looks real) and the big girls put on the ornaments. Then they spent the rest of the afternoon acting out dramas with the Nativity Set members.

Flannery had a Girl Scout Craft Fair this afternoon, so Andy and Percy-Kate took her. Percy-Kate came home with a "Boo-boo Bunny" she purchased and a Christmas Tree painted on her forehead. Flannery stayed behind with Miss Tali and Gracie to help sell her troop's wares. Ruby finished the day still feverish, but with happy visions of Blue dancing in her head.

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