Sunday, December 19, 2010

Celebrating with the Markerts

Thank you, Julie, Al, Gigi, Grandad, Dede and Meme for adopting us. We are so blessed to "belong" somewhere at Christmas when we are so far away from our Tennessee family. Merry Christmas!

Not a creature was stirring,..not even Lily:) I love this picture. Did she move at all this afternoon?

Kadin and Flannery enjoying gifts.

This is the first year Ruby really understands the whole gift opening thing. We will be opening our gifts in the morning (the 20th) since we'll be gone Christmas Day. I look forward to watching her open all of her gifts. I fully expect she'll be overwhelmed.

Don't they look like a reflective pair? They look very serious as Noah demonstrates a toy for them. Aren't they beautiful?

Julie's uncle playing ball with Aaron and Ruby.

Can you tell Jack missed his afternoon nap?

What a cutie!

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