Saturday, June 12, 2010

Introducing Jack

After much drama, a false start, and hard contractions that lasted weeks, John Andrew Lamar blessed us all with his arrival a month early - June 7. He weighed 7 lbs, 5 oz and was 20 inches long. We will be calling him "Jack," but his given name has special meanings for us. "John" means "God is a gracious giver"; it also is the name of Andy's best friend from college. "Andrew," of course, is his father's name; and "Lamar" is his grandfather's (Andy's Dad) name. We admit it's a name he will have to grow into; we believe that he will.

We're not sure what is harder to fully comprehend - the fact that we now have four children or the reality that we no longer have only girls. In fact, we both slip up occasionally and get our pronouns confused. Too many times we have referred to "her" and "she" rather than "him," "his," and "he." His big sisters are all very excited and already are showing that they are going to give mommy plenty of help.

Labor? What labor? Mommy looks awesome.

One big happy family.

One proud big sister.

Mammaw gets a turn holding him.

Occasionally, he wakes up.


ALPAL said...

We had no idea that y'all have a blog! We often wonder what the Moores are doing and now we know. Welcome to the world of boys! Put those coloring books away and bring on the dirt, bugs, cars, trucks, planes, lizards, frogs, and sticks. Put the pink and purple away! Y'all are in for a fun, fun ride! Boys are great! Can't wait to see more pictures!

The Boisverts said...

These pictures make me cry with happiness. Cannot wait to meet your little bundle in person and give you all big hugs. Welcome to the world, little one. You have been prayed for more than you could know and are so loved already.