Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ice Cream on a Tuesday Afternoon

I am not alone in the throes of morning sickness. Ruby finds my lingering nausea to be quite the gravy train. Yesterday morning, I stumble out of the bedroom with my sleeve of saltines in hand. Ruby had been sitting contentedly in Daddy's lap, until she saw the crackers. Saltines are not a common snack food in the Moore household unless a stomach bug is in the air. Ruby simply salivates for them. She hopped down from Daddy's lap and rushed for the crackers. The morning sickness diet has included saltines and lots of crushed ice. I sat down in the living room with some crushed ice and a queasy stomach this afternoon and suddenly Ruby and Percy-Kate were swarming me. What is so appetizing about ice? So I shared. Just as I shared my ice cream just a few minutes ago. The Moores don't often have ice cream in the middle of the day for no reason. When Ruby heard the clank of the bowl, she was in the kitchen like a flash wanting her share.

Flannery just returned from having blood drawn. I took her to the doctor this morning after several weeks of fatigue. Flannery is a high-energy kind of gal, so fatigue is noticeable on her. I suspected anemia since the fatigue has surfaced on and off since the summer. The doctor ruled out anemia with a quick finger prick in the office. She wanted more blood work done to check for Lyme disease. Lyme disease would make more sense since Flannery often complains of joint pain. Flannery tried so hard to be brave. Andy took her to the lab since he responds better to fear and blood in the little ones. Flannery thought it was funny that they would check her for "lime" disease. She said she had never even eaten a lime.

1 comment:

The Boisverts said...

Sweet Flannery! So sorry you had a yucky afternoon of blood work. Cute about the "lime" thing, though. I'll pray for speedy results for sweet Flannery, and that the docs will have a wonderful course of meds to help with her fatitgue and joint pains. (Is her back still hurting?)
What a good Momma for sharing her ice and saltines! The baby in the womb must just already be preparing for having to share with his/her sisters. :-)