Thursday, August 20, 2009

Practicing Winter

Lo, and behold, a genuine heat wave in New Hampshire. In the South, no one would have noticed the ninety degree temps because the air conditioning is more than adequate. Here, however, central air is not standard or even expected. Last Saturday, Andy lugged the window units up from the basement for the week of summer predicted by forecasters. We closed all the doors and windows and quickly realized how much our children had grown in 3 months and how little our house will feel this winter.

Added to our sense of confinement was the misery of a stomach bug shared by everyone except Flannery. (Note: second time in a year that every other member of the family contracts a stomach virus except Flannery. Maybe her "bread-a-tarian" diet is the secret to health.)

Our church's annual picnic was held Sunday in the sweltering heat. A few fortunate souls enjoyed relief from the heat in the baptismal waters or dunk tank. Noah and Nicola, two precious children from our small group family, were baptized. Noah offered a convicting mini-sermon on baptism and the unity of the church body. 7 years old, he is. We stayed long enough for the girls to hop in the inflated bouncy house after the service. It was my turn with the stomach bug so I simply needed to go home and lie under the window a/c unit.

Noah and Kadin slept over Saturday night. The girls were thrilled. There had been talk of a sleepover for some time among the children. I am learning children conspire about such matters. Andy and I were happy to tuck the boys in and treat them like our own. Kadin (age 5) had a hard time going to sleep and staying asleep. He and Percy-Kate ended up in our bed at various times during the night. I observed Sunday morning that boys are much easier to prep for an hair issues, no wardrobe crises...We arrived at church a little early even with two more children in tow.

So, practicing for winter in our air conditioned little home. I have felt cooped up, as have the girls. They have exhausted their crafting ideas. (If anyone is in the market for a papier mache bowl, we can hook you up.) Forecasters promise a reprieve tomorrow. If only the real winter lasted only a week like the New England summer....

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